
Showing posts from January, 2011

Using Body Language to Get a Girl's Phone Number

We challenged Fabrizio to score some DiGiTS without talking, he had some huge distractions to overcome, but he got the DiGiTS! In this video, Fabrizio uses his body language.

Long Distance Relationship Advice: How to Make the Distance Work

Although most people would prefer to have normal love affairs, there are some who can’t help but get caught in the middle of a long distance relationship. Regardless of the exact distance that is between you and your lover, there are a few tips that you need to keep in mind, if you’re serious about making the relationship work. Do you want to know how you can make the space work in your favour? Then here are a few pieces of long distance relationship advice that you can’t afford to miss out on. Be ready to exert more effort into the relationship Let’s face it. All relationships require effort to work. But if you’re dealing with something a bit more complicated like a long distance love affair, you’ll need to prepare yourself as you’ll need to exert a bit more effort into it. Before you get tangled up in a long distance love affair, make sure to have a long talk with your lover. This way, you’ll know exactly what it is you’ll be getting into. Lay your cards on the table, and encourage y

How to Get a Guy to Ask You on a Date

You’ve met someone interesting and you're hoping he’ll call for a date. What now? Here are the rules according to Janis Spindel, founder of Janis Spindel Serious Matchmaking.

How to Get a Girl With a Boyfriend

Boyfriends are overrated. In the past, every time I heard the word “boyfriend” I thought I was doomed – no chances, not going anywhere, etc. In the end, I always backed off, tail between the legs, and moved on to the next girl. Not good when it was a girl I especially liked. Now, with a bit more mileage and experience, I don’t care about boyfriends anymore. And guess what – you shouldn’t worry about them too much either. In fact, look forward for the girl to have a boyfriend. Think about it this way: boyfriends make us a favor. They go and filter much of the annoying, not-so-confident-in-themselves competition and pave the way for us to have it MUCH EASIER with the girl. Instead of competing against 100s of new different guys every day, you are up against just ONE guy the whole time. This makes everything more simple. Sometimes there’s real love going and she won’t cheat – and in those cases you’ll have it pretty hard, if not impossible. But I’ve found that to be a very small percenta

Top 8 Lines to Make “I Have a Boyfriend” Irrelevant

It’s possible (and actually easier) to get girls that have a boyfriend . Last time I told you why, and this time I’ll give you a few high-quality lines to try out. But be careful! There are two stages to the “boyfriend game” – if she comes up with “I have a boyfriend” too early, she could be lying or just wanting to get rid of you. Don’t use the list below in THAT moment – wait and build more attraction first. The line should work as the bridge when she’s already indecisive on whether to cheat or not. Here’s the list: (I have a boyfriend) “Good! It will give you something to do when I’m not around.” (I have a boyfriend) “How many boyfriends do you have?” (Just one) “Just one? I think you should have at least 2” (I have a boyfriend) “*Laughing* Hey, I just met you and you’re already telling me your problems?” ”I think we should get together and do X on Xday.” (I have a boyfriend) “Okay so Xday at 8 it is! Dress sexy.” (I have a boyfriend) “Well I’m not inviting HIM, just YOU.” (I have a

How To Get A Girl To Notice You? Smart Tips To Gain Women’s Attention

If you are wondering how to get a girl to notice you, then its time for you to learn the smart ways to gain a girl’s attention. Don’t fret even if you are average looking. By practicing the following tips you can get noticed by girls. How to get a girl to notice you – If this question bothers you, then improve your personal appearance. You need not apply artificial makeup and look extraordinarily beautiful. However, you can keep yourself clean and smell good to gain attention from plenty of women. You can also wear a charity bracelet to let women know that you are single. Don’t be readily available if she calls you on date. Have your own set of friends and engage yourself in various activities to keep yourself busy. Ger her realize that you have other priorities in life. This is a simple way that will help you figure out how to get a girl to notice you. Improve your conversation skills. Women get carried away by a perfect conversationalist. Learn her topics of interest and talk more ab

Pick Up Line Tip

If you're looking for a good pick up line or want to know how to attract women then be sure you get the advice from a woman.

How To Get A Girl To Send You Dirty Pictures – Some Quick Tips

Finding the right way on how to get a girl to send you dirty pictures can be a real challenge. Not all women are interested in voyeurism so it takes a little bit more effort to get her to send you dirty pictures. The best way to find out how to get a girl to send you dirty pictures is by knowing just what kind of woman you are dealing with. There are women that you know right from the start that they won’t go for this kind of activity. While there are those who just need a little encouragement in order for them to release their inner naughtiness. What you should always remember on how to get a girl to send you dirty pictures of her is that you should never ask her for it if you have just first met. She would probably classify you as a pervert in her list and avoid you at all costs. Try to ease her into it. Start with having her send pictures of her lips. This will make her more comfortable in sending you pictures. When you have slowly introduced her to the idea, try to escalate it a li

Lee Min-jung for High Cut

Lee Min-jung for High Cut

Asking a Girl Out with a Fake Accent

In this video Rob pretends to be a tourist with a British accent in an attempt to get a woman's DiGiTS in New York City.

How To Get A Girl’s Attention – Learn The Secret Tips To Attracting Women

How to get a girl’s attention? It may often sound tough to find a solution for this question. You may have taken advices from your friends and tried out various methods to gain attention from a girl. But most of those advices won’t work out many times. Don’t fret if you are not able to get a girl. It’s often hard to tolerate, if the girl you want doesn’t pay attention to you. Most of the men on the earth have the same trouble and they seek advice on how to get a girl’s attention. You may even be surprised to see many average-looking men with a girl when you don’t have one. Don’t boggle your mind thinking of how to get a girl’s attention. Just get out and find ways to win the girl of your dreams. It is not as hard as you think. It gets harder to get a girl if you keep growling about your past failures in dating. There are actually some clever ideas to get your girl’s attention. First and foremost thing is to build your conversational skills. Women love to interact with a good conversati

Picking Up Girls at Hot Sweaty Yoga Lessons

Popout Less talk, more yoga. In this Rob is told to focus on his yoga skills as he tries to get a girl's DiGiTS during class.

How To Get Over A Girl – Tips To Cope With A Breakup

Are you full of emotions and trying hard to find out how get over a girl who dumped you? Here are some easy ways to get the girl out of your mind. If you suffer from a breakup, then its time for you to get rid of it. Things will get worse if you immure yourself inside the home thinking of how to get over a girl. Get out of your house. Go and meet your old friends. Don’t tend to talk about your loss. You can go out with your friends to all your favorite places. This may help you in getting over the sad thoughts. Engage yourself in various activities. You can take up a hobby and practice it. Build your skills. Participate in sport activities. On doing so, you will no longer fret thinking about how to get over a girl. Think positively. Understand there is a lot more in life other than this woman who ditched you. She is not the only woman left in the earth. Realize that it is easier to get a better girl in your life. You can even read books that will help you develop positive thoughts. Tra

Park Hyun Sun – White Dress

source: reallycuteasians

Dancing to Get a Girl's Phone Number

In this video, Rob shows off his bold dancing moves to try to score with females on the streets of New York.

How To Make A Girl Come Fast: Quick And Effortless Tips

Many men are interested in learning how to make a girl come fast. This is due to the fact that most men have partners that are sexually frustrated. This is because most of them have not achieved orgasm during sex. There are a few techniques on how to make a girl come fast. This requires a lot of patience and attention to your partners needs. The first thing that you need to do is to set the mood. You can do this with gentle touching and flirting. Setting the mood would let women know what you want and would soon be receptive to your suggestions. The next step on how to make a girl come fast is by foreplay. Being able to perform amazing foreplay would get your partner ready and willing to do anything you want. It is the key in awakening a woman’s sexuality. You can do this by lightly kissing her body. Let your hands roam freely on her body. Caress her erogenous zones, whispering dirty deeds in her ear. As soon as she is hot and ready, go down on her. You can massage her clitoris with yo

Wet Towel Babe Song Wei

Wet Towel Babe Song Wei

How To Make A Girl Kiss You… For Real!!!

Question, what’s required with how to make a girl kiss you? Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? You’ve seen it a million times on television how easy it is for the guy to get the girl. Well here’s some news for you… it only happens in the movies. Forget the message that they try to portray because those things won’t work in real life. If you care enough to know why then do read on. First step on how to make a girl kiss you is all about being free from any unsightly cuts and sores. If you happen to have open wounds or unhealed cuts, make sure to attend to them first. Let’s face it; no one wants to kiss someone looking like Frankenstein. Second step on how to make a girl kiss you deals with keeping a clean smelling breath. Temporary remedies like breath sprays or popping mints into your mouth just aren’t good enough. Nothing beats a good session of brushing your teeth properly and using mouthwash for good measure. Third step is keeping your self smelling clean all over. Sweat, kisses, and prett

How an Exclusive Dating Service Grew From a Freelance Project

In Chapter 15 of 16, entrepreneur and connector Hattie Elliot builds her business The~Grace~List from a freelance consulting company into a multi-city membership only event business. Here, Elliot shares how she transformed her passion to connect into a financially viable nationwide membership and event network.

Sexu Miyoko Mitori 深田恭子 奇蹟的28歲寫真

Sexu Miyoko Mitori 深田恭子 奇蹟的28歲寫真

How To Make A Girl Want You… Plain And Simple

I’m pretty sure you’ve certainly asked yourself the question “how to make a girl want you” at some point. Nerve-wracking indeed, isn’t it? While it’s not impossible to have the girl you have a liking for to become interested in you as you are with her, it depends on how you are able to carry yourself all throughout. Girls will naturally be easily attracted but the question of maintaining that interest is another matter. Well here are a few suggestions you can follow. First tip on how to make a girl want you is all about making a good first impression. Once you have her attention you’d definitely want to make sure you can present yourself in the best possible light. There’s truth in the saying that first impressions last and this situation is no exception. Second tip on how to make a girl want you is to know what buttons to press. This means doing your homework beforehand by taking the time to study her particular areas of interest. There’s nothing more interesting to a girl than a mean

How Business Consulting and Dating Services Clients Differ

In Chapter 14 of 16, entrepreneur and connector Hattie Elliot compares and contrasts working with corporate brand clients and individuals seeking love. As a marketing consultant, Elliot found C-level executive clients extremely confident and protected under the corporate umbrella. In contrast, Elliot finds The~Grace~List clients less certain and more open to receiving guidance and coaching.

Leggy Beauty

Leggy Beauty

What To Say To A Girl Can Win Her Over

What to say to a girl – If this question keeps boggling your mind, then this is the right time to learn the smart tips to approach a girl. Discover the smart ideas and implement it successfully to win over your dream girl. Approaching a girl in a right way will let you get her in no time. Approach her right away. Don’t waste time thinking of what to say to a girl. Wading off the time will prolong things. A quick and timely approach will reveal your confidence to her. Don’t fear. Talk to her with confidence. Women are most often interested in confident men. Talk to her boldly without wondering what to say to a girl. Keep smiling and touch her forearm frequently whenever possible. Charm the girl with your loving words. Call her as the most beautiful woman in the world. On doing so, she will definitely fall for you. Get her Laugh. Be playful and tease her in a friendly way. Crack jokes to get her laugh. Don’t do things to impress her. Stick on to this approach with a giving mindset. Never

How to Change Professional Singles Dating Attitudes

In Chapter 12 of 16, entrepreneur and connector Hattie Elliot finds mid-career professional dating options limited and starts The~Grace~List to provide non-conventional group experiences. She finds careers and monetary goals distract many professionals from prioritizing romantic relationships.

Sexily Ina Miyuki 美女中山惠古鎮寫真

Sexily Ina Miyuki 美女中山惠古鎮寫真

What To Do On A First Date – Smart Ideas To Become An Expertise In Dating

If you are aimless thinking of what to do on a first date, then its time for you to learn the dating skills. The following smart ideas will teach you the dating skills that are necessary for a perfect date. What to do on a first date – If this question bothers your mind, then its time for you to discover the dating skills. A good conversationalist is often successful in dating. Even if you don’t know any topic to converse, just scan through the newspaper and share some interesting news with her. You can even share funny stories and news just to get her laugh. Pay heed to her. Listen to what she says and ask questions related to the subject to let her know that you are a good listener. Women get fascinated by good listeners. By paying attention to her and talking to her confidently, you can attract her in seconds and you don’t have to find what to do on a first date. Dress up well. Wear nice clothes and groom yourself well enough to gain her attention. Talk less about you and more about

How Group Dating Experiences Bring People Together

In Chapter 11 of 16, founder Hattie Elliot shares how she creates group dating events to help participants get to know others in both one-on-one and group environments. She highlights how shared learning experiences stimulate conversation and create memorable introductions that often result in follow-up dates.

Mikie Hara 原幹恵 大解放

Mikie Hara 原幹恵 大解放