
Showing posts from March, 2011

The Best Place to Pick Up Girls

Each one of you is special. We are all different and none of us will be attractive to women in the same way. Some are great dancers, others have traveled a lot and others may be great cooks. Which is YOUR skill? This really matters because that skill you have will make a certain place, a bar or a mall, for instance, better for your game. So, as I explained with the best movies before, the best place to go and pick up is subjective. There will be a place that you and just you will be the most attracting man and some others where you would be the less interesting. The idea here is to get to know which is the place you should go to and to focus picking up there. For example, if you a great dancer, would you go and pick up girls in the park? You certainly could, but your success rate would never approach that of you in a club or dance floor. Which aspect of your personality makes you the most attractive? For my case, I believe that I can charm the girls I want when I speak about culture an

How to Have a Better Relationship

It’s the duty of every man to make his girl feel the very best in the world, the one and only. Doing this helps to build confidence in the couple and bring happiness to both man and woman. Still, not many men understand how they can do this, even if it’s something simple and basic for many of us. Here are a few strategies you could use to make your woman feel better. Show love in public Showing love in public is a win-win situation. Kiss, hug and touch your girl openly, in front of friends and wherever you go. Make her sit on your lap, hold hands with her… Those are plain, easy and very enjoyable ways of showing love. Perhaps you or she might be a bit shy about it at the beginning, but don’t let that stop you. It’s definitely something you have to do with any woman you love. This open showing of affections will make her feel safer in her feelings to raise her self esteem. Make her feel the one and only, not only by telling her but also by showing this love you have for her all the time

The More Equal We Are, The Easier is to Pick Up

When I first moved to Vienna I was overwhelmed by the enormous amount of hot women out there and how easy it was to sleep with them. One night stands became part of my everyday life and I got really excited and crazy about it. In Argentina these things don’t happen, I was just shocked! Loved it and my friends home couldn’t believe all the stories I had to tell. How this could happen to me? What is so different from Argentineans and Austrians? Those were the questions I asked myself every day. One good day I met this guy who made it everything clear. He, from Kosovo, told me “You will notice that the more advanced the country is, the easier the girls are to get.” In Kosovo, still in Europe but very backwards, he said, women were very hard to sleep with. In Vienna and beyond, on the contrary, it was much easier. He was right, for I could see and experience that myself. But why? It all lies on the mentality of these women. Women from richer countries have a different mindset, they are mor

How to Become a Great Kisser

Every first kiss is unique, powerful and very inspiring. In most cases it becomes the first intimate impression women have from you, so you got to make it the very best. A good kiss usually means a faster way to bed, while a bad kiss can definitely ruin your chances with ease. In the following guide I will explain which are some of the points that make a kiss special, and what must all men do in order to be remembered as great kissers. Look and be kissable Dress up nicely, have a nice breath and your lips in shape. Those are three things anyone who wants to be kissed should know from the very beginning. It’s simple, but many men just don’t realize how important they are. Don’t eat garlic or onion before going out, and always have a couple of mints with you to tackle bad breath. Balm your lips if they are broken or destroyed, and always be presentable, well dressed. Put yourself in a woman’s feet and think, Am I kissable? The answer must be an outright yes! Use your hands It’s true that

Things to Take When You Go Out

You got to maximize your chances for anything you do in your life. Do this by practicing and being well prepared. Leave nothing left to luck. This includes when you go out to a bar or club too. Take with you all those things that will make your odds be as high as they can get. Every time I go out I take a handful of things that one time or the other help me in my goals, whichever they are. Here’s what they are for me and why I recommend you to take them too. Camera An easy pick, taking your camera out is a must. Firstly because it will let you open up groups of girls with ease, capture great and funny moments and it’s one perfect excuse for you go ask girls’ contacts and for them to ask yours. Secondly, you should load your camera with very best photos of trips and great moments. That way you can show and tell guys and girls excellent anecdotes of yours. Don’t go telling every random girl you meet “Hey, look, I was in Russia” but if you have the possibility of casually doing it at some

Tips on Dating Women

Following is a quick list of very important things all men should know about women and dating. The kind of things that will help you attracting and seducing the girl you want. It’s short, concise and very accurate. Unlike the 25 Traits Lists, which you can find here and here, this list is more focused on them rather than you. 1- A good perfume is worth every cent. If you’re going to attract someone, you need to appeal to all the senses. And women love good cologne. Never go out without it! 2- If you don’t satisfy your woman in bed, you are up to serious trouble. Even if she really loves you. 3- Never believe everything a woman says. It’s a step into maturity to assume that if she has to lie to you, she will. 4- Women love chocolate. 5- Never believe your woman is the exception to anything. I can bet you everything in the world that she is not. 6- A woman who truly likes you is never too busy for you. But time is precious. If you want to take a bit out of hers, you better have something

Psychology Behind Sexual Attraction

There’s one important thing all men who want to attract and seduce a woman should know: women will be inevitably attracted to those men who, they believe, can give them the strongest children. It has been like this since the dawn of history and it still is now. All women will be seduced by those men who they feel will be protectors of their children and themselves. It’s printed in their genes, it’s just natural. It has always been like that and it won’t change anytime soon. What did change though is which man actually represents that. A couple of thousands years back it was that man who, as a consequence of his power and strength had dominated the rest. In the present, the desired man is the one who is charismatic, influences others and has more power. In both cases, we are speaking about the traditional and present leaders of the tribe. In both cases, the leader of the tribe is the man with the highest amount of value. If you want to be successful with women, you got to have that very

The Perfect Places For The First Date

When you meet a woman you can take her along two different paths: either you do as all men do or, if not, you risk and try something different. Both paths have their good and bad sides, but every time I have to pick up one, I always go for the difference. Let me explain you why. The girl you want has probably been approached by already dozens and maybe hundreds of guys. Most of these guys wanted to go out with her and also, probably, make her their new girlfriend. If you want to stand out from all those other men, you got to do something unpredictable, something new. You got to make her live a new experience. Because of this I strongly discourage taking her to dinner, to the park or for drinks in the first dates. Do something different, something crazy! And the possibilities are endless! Most men feel afraid of approaching something original. Many common arguments include “But we just met”, “That’s too crazy”, “She won’t agree”, etc. Thing is, that’s all bullshit. If she does like you

Pick Up Lines Work

Pick up lines work. They certainly do. They a great weapon to have in hand. But not really in the sense you might believe or be thinking about. You should think of pick up lines as a good addition to your approaches, but not as the core and most important part of them. When approaching women there are certainly much more important things to take into account. No matter how amazing and well thought these pick up lines could be, they are not what make the difference.What really matters here is the attitude in which you communicate. With this I mean the way you speak, your body language and what you inspire to these girls. The pick up line is no more than just the way to break the ice. Let the truth be told – A guy with attitude, presence and belief but with the worst lines in the world might have much more success approaching than a shy, humble and stupid looking guy, even if this last one knows and studied the best lines. In a case like this, a simple “Hey” of the first guy can strike h
Not so long ago I decided it was time for me to start approaching at unconventional places. Buses, subway, the street, libraries, stores and supermarkets, just to give a few examples, are all enormous possibilities. After all, during the day I see much better looking women around – and the competition is far less numerous. Few people dare to approach during daytime and that’s something great. What they do in the end is just to leave the way clear for us. Still, the reality is that it is really hard to make those first approaches and to start doing this seriously. There are a lot of prejudices and a lot of fear. It’s just not normal to be doing this and feels naturally awkward. But the goal is to get over it and start taking advantage of all the possibilities approaching during the day opens. What I first realized is that when approaching women in these unconventional places there are two important things to take into account: 1- You have to inspire safety. 2- You have to be as natural

How To Give Women Amazing Pleasure

Why you have to give women good oral sex Many men underestimate the importance and benefits of giving good oral sex. Good foreplay, we can all agree, can potentiate sexual relationships and make the whole ritual even much more enjoyable. Cunnilingus is a must have skill for all men, as it’s easy to do and the benefits are huge. Also, it’s a great way to differentiate from all those other men who don’t do it – Men who don’t realize the big pleasure it will bring to both you and your couple. Mind, good foreplay cannot hide the fact that the actual penetration is the most important part of sex. It’s not really just a matter of pleasure – as that depends on the woman – but instead it’s a matter of manhood. Women want to be penetrated and to feel the most rustic and animal part of sex. No matter how good you are with your tongue, you got to make the other part right! But still, great oral sex gives you enormous advantages. First, you surrender your desires just to give pleasure to the woman

How To Be Charismatic

Being charismatic A charismatic person is one who is a leader, who has a message to deliver and that makes others feel special around him. He makes them feel they really matter and to know that if they are with him, no matter where, they are going to have a great time. The charismatic man is also the one who bonds and impresses and who is the center of the attention anywhere he goes, voluntarily or involuntarily. Moreover, a charismatic man knows how to speak , has ambition and determination and also has a great story to tell . He gives flavor and has overwhelming confidence in himself. He inspires others to follow their dreams and leaves something lasting inside everyone he meets . You can be charismatic “Tiger Woods may be the world’s most skilled golfer, but he’s also the one who practices the most.” Now, you might be wondering how in the world you could do all that, right? But let me tell you one thing: charisma is a skill. As such, everyone can learn it , even those who you l

Picking Up Girls During The Day Strategies – The Dog

This is the first of the strategies to approach and pick up women during the day . The general and generic rules for success were posted on that old article. But just to remind you, remember that the most important things are for you to be natural and direct, as well as possitive and to inspire safety. As with everything, failure can and will happen. But you got to practice and develop these techniques until you get more and more successful. As the title implies, this technique is all about dogs – and believe me, you got to love these guys. They are men’s best friend for one good reason! They are always happy to see you and are always full of energy and joy. If you have a dog as pet it would be impossible for you not to love them. But yet, even if you don’t appreciate them for all what they are already, there’s one more reason for you to start doing so. Dogs are one of the best help you’ll ever have when picking up girls during the day. Dogs pose, for you and the girls, as a perfect

People You Should Never Sleep With

There are some women in this world with whom you should never even think on sleeping with. They could become those adventures you’ll regret for countless days , if not more! No matter how much in love you are or how beautiful you think they are, the best would be for you to restrain. It’s all a matter of avoiding unnecessary conflicts and trouble. Family Ok guys, there are more than three billion women in this world. Out of those many, if you go and pick one of your family it’s just plain stupid. It’s a matter of morality – you just don’t have to! It’s odd, unnecessary and could bring a lot of problems. Perhaps it would be fine for you, but think on the rest of the family too and how many problems and conflicts something like this could start. If you got some heart and care about what your parents, grandpas and everyone else thinks and feels, just restrain yourself. Out of all those women, just don’t go for your family. Don’t go and bring conflicts into the very heart of something of

Displaying Lower Value – Being a Loser

In many past articles I insisted on the concept of value and how important it is for you to raise it. I taught you different techniques and ways you achieve this and, as a consequence, become more attractive to women. But this time we’ll work on the other end of the deal. I’ll focus on which of your manners get your value down and thus kill the attraction you want to create. There’s no point in you becoming a great storyteller or a great cook if you keep taking your value down! Overall, there’s one big value killer: the constant seeking of approval. Any low value man will be in a permanent search for approval and recognition from the others. This search for approval is shown off when you keep justifying, keep explaining and keep apologizing for your actions. It’s when you look needy and when you really care about what others think of you. The truth is you don’t need to give a damn of what anyone else thinks of you. You don’t need THEM to approve your actions, nor to tell you what

2 Girls Teach Sex Review

2 Girls Teach Sex I had been writing my own Sex Manual for long – I wrote and rewrote countless articles until I found one program that made me scrap them all: it’s called 2 Girls Teach Sex and I’m fully endorsing it. 2 Girls Teach Sex is a sexual education product with live footage and with real porn stars – it’s high quality product for anyone looking for a real, solid and very explicit advice of what a man has to do in bed. Unlike the guide I wanted to write, this is a collection educational videos that can take the advice many steps further. The 2 Girls Teach Sex program includes: DVD 1 – ‘Multiple Orgasm Methods’ DVD 2 – ‘Forbidden Sex Secrets’ DVD 3 – ‘Advanced Sex Techniques For Guaranteed Orgasms’ DVD 4 – ‘Shawna’s Porn Star Sex Secrets’ Bonus DVD – ‘Secrets Of Squirting Orgasms’ The names in the program might be a little bit vague – but the DVDs cover it all. From kissing to foreplay, to stamina and some special sexual positions. They are mix of seminar with live demonstra

Girls’ Sex Signals

In the past I wrote about the ways girls show interest in men . The one-year old list is still one of the most popular articles on this website, but it still lacks something critical: depth. This post is going to go a bit deeper in that topic and explaining thoroughly some of the most important points in the list. Before starting, remember: a single signal of these does not indicate total attraction to you . It’s still just an indicator of interest. Once these individual signals become more frequent and obvious, then it’s when you can be more certain that she’s interested in you. Remember not to overreact to this signals. Don’t make your desire of success and excitement deceive you – take it nice and easy. Not every time she flocks her hair will mean she’s interested in you. The same applies to the contrary: if she doesn’t show this signals or does them very subtly it doesn’t mean she’s uninterested in you. So here it is part of the upgraded and expanded list of what you should be loo

Dating Danish Women

Just moved to Copenhagen, Denmark – finally! That’s the main reason behind the lack of updates – planning the trip, then apartment hunting, going out and starting life in such a different place is taking most of my time and energy. But I’m not here to tell you my impressions from Copenhagen or travel experiences – no. What I’ll write this time is what I think and my experience with Scandinavian girls so far. I’ll speak for Danish girls, but you can most likely draw the same conclusions for Norwegians and Swedish – they are not the same but still very similar. As always, generalizations are never good. While I’ll give an overall opinion or point, there are obviously tons of exceptions! It’s Not a Myth – Girls Are REALLY Beautiful Valkyries , as one good friend pointed out – in reference to the mythological Nordic deities. And it’s not all about blonde and tall girls – it’s just that they are all good looking. It’s no less than incredible. Their faces look neat – tidy, sexy and with

How To Get More Comfortable With Women

In the past, I’ve explained you how you could, through some real life exercises, start overcoming your shyness. Now we are going to go further down the road and get you much more comfortable approaching and speaking with women. Again, we’ll achieve this through simple and practical ways . And this will be easy – all you need to do go for a few hours to the mall or, if your city doesn’t have one, to some busy commercial street. Before you get going with these simple techniques, I suggest you to read the article on becoming a good speaker and knowing how to get dressed. They’ll give you a plus and get you more confident from the very beginning. So, now into the tasks… Once you get to the mall, you’ll have three things to do and keep doing for the whole of the time you are there. The first one is to get eye contact with any good looking woman that walks by you. Look directly into their eyes and keep contact until they look away. Don’t do this in a creepy, mysterious way. Be natural a

Learning From Movie Characters

There are some memorable movie performances that you should watch and imitate. After all, you can definitely learn a lot from movies. Not only about culture and history – You can also learn to become more attractive to women. The way the some characters walk, how they speak and what they inspire in women are all things you should take a look at. Below is a list of five of these movie characters. These men are successful with women in their movies and would also be in the real world. Why? All of them, in one way or another, have a unique trait that makes them strongly attractive. I’ll analyze this trait and show you how you could achieve it yourself. Now, take the path you would like the most of all! The article may contain spoilers – be careful! James Bond (Daniel Craig) – Casino Royale An easy pick, right? Bond always got the girls he wanted. Without being especially handsome nor being someone with a lot of natural charisma, he still always got the highest prized women. But it’s no