
Showing posts from February, 2011

Getting a Girlfriend

This article is about overcoming difficult times and finding your so wanted girlfriend. It may possibly happen that for months, if not years, you might be in a really bad streak with women . Long time without sex or a girlfriend can be terrible and could give a serious blow to your self-esteem. It may happen that you might start blaming yourself as a failure and perhaps you might even find uncomfortable going out and socializing with other people. This happens to many men all the time and everyone can get through . You just need commitment, belief and a good deal of hard work. So, let’s break up where you should focus on and the reasons for your failure. If you think you are fine in one of these points, jump to the next one. You don’t meet women If you just don’t meet women, the logic is that you will find it hard to land a girlfriend. Just think about it – How many new girls did you meet during the last month? Your chances finding a partner are proportional to your answer. The more w

Overcoming The Anxiety With Approaching Women

Imagine a situation like this: you are in the club, in a bar or maybe in the street. There you see the woman you want, lightning strikes and you are dying to speak with her. What should you do? The answer lies in the Pick Up Artists ’ 3 Second Rule. If there’s only one thing I could take from the PUAs, it is that one rule. It is the ultimate and wisest thing they ever invented. The concept is simple: approach the girl you want in less than three seconds after you saw her . That is – do it immediately, without hesitation. Just go for it! This is GREAT and it’s what all men who want to get better at approaching should do. Let me explain you why. By immediately approaching you don’t leave time for your brain to start thinking up excuses, getting yourself nervous and making the situation odd. It’s a matter of intent and manhood – girls just feel it. They know if you were gathering strength to approach her or you just did it spontaneously. And the latter proves to be much more successful!

How To Know If A Girl Is Interested In You

A girl who is interested in you might show it through two possible ways. First, she will give you subtle hints that she is becoming increasingly attracted to you. She’ll smile at what you say, she’ll try to keep the conversation going and maybe she’ll even touch you. The second way is much harder to read – it’s about these little things she does unconsciously when she is becoming more and more attracted to you . Following is a list of all those things women do that fall into those two criteria. I compiled it through my personal experiences and also coupled it with some great material I have found in the Internet. A girl is interested in you when… • She laughs while talking to you • When comes back after going to the bathroom • When sitting next to you her leg touches yours • She asks if you have a girlfriend • She avoids mentioning her boyfriend • She reinitiates conversation when you stop talking • She seats with her legs opened • She giggles • She introduces you to friends • She bu

Attracting The Woman You Want

This is hands down the ultimate value riser technique . Read through! “He must have something!” That’s exactly what all women start thinking once they see a man, attractive or not, who is hanging around with this really good looking girl. They’ll scan him through and think about all those qualities he could have , and which are the secrets that made him get such a gorgeous looking lady. They will look into which could be his charm and what’s so special in him that one amazing woman is spending her time with him. Be that man and in the eyes of all those other women you’ll be a winner and nothing else. This is exactly why all men should find the way to have one or two very attractive women friends , even if they are just that – only friends. The idea is to have a good feeling with them, enough to go out together once a while. They could be some ex classmates, friends in common and so on, but always with a friendship link which you could use as an outstanding weapon to go and seduce other

The Best Romantic Songs

If you got one song you love and you think it could be a wonderful suggestion to our readers, leave it in the comments section. We’ll keep the list updated!Dani launched a campaign in Facebook asking men and women from all around the world which were their favorite romantic songs. Here are the results! If you were looking for advice and suggestions in the area, in this post you’ll have a few! I was really surprised finding a lot of great material I didn’t even know about! • Suggested by Mario: Mr Big – To be with you • Suggested by Silvia: U2 – With or without you • Suggested by Mario: Damien Rice – Volcano • Suggested by Stixx: George Michael – Careless Whisper • Suggested by Ghaith: Kenny Rodgers – Lady • Suggested by Jovan: Chris Isaak – Wicked Game • Suggested by Jojo: Chicago – I don’t want to live with you • Suggested by Noel: Hazel O’Connor – Will you • Suggested by Nikki: The Beatles – Something • Suggested by Selene: Rebecca St. James – Wait for me • Suggested by Nasheel: Morc

Poems Seduce Girls

Poetry is something greatly undervalued. Despite being a long shot from waning, its charm and power are today, it appears, long forgotten. Poems and the poet itself are still now though, perhaps more than ever, a mighty force when it comes to picking up women. Let me give you a direct personal example of how this is possible and they way it works. Jumping back a few years into the past, I was in this little Argentinean countryside town for our own version of the traditional Oktoberfest. I was spending the weekend there with a couple of friends, enjoying the taste of homebrewed beer and the sight of amazing women (Argentinean girls, in case you don’t know, are very good looking.) Everything was alright and I was having a great time… But then came Mariel. She was the Queen of the town and, as such, also from the festival. You might guess how beautiful she was. After all, these town and city queens are always in another league. For me, as probably with many other guys there, it was love a

The Best Movie Quotes You Can Learn

Not so long ago I wrote about movie characters you could imitate and learn important things from . There’s a lot you can take from them and that will make you become more attractive in the eyes of women. I wrote especially about what makes them unique and which aspect of their personality you should try to build for yourself. What I’m going to do now is to write down which are, in my opinion, the best quotes and dialogues these characters give. You don’t have to go and memorize all of these – but I’m sure that you’ll find one or a couple of quotes you’ll love to have in hand for the future. Beware of the spoilers if you haven’t watched any of the five movies. James Bond (Daniel Craig) – Casino Royale Vesper Lynd: It doesn’t bother you? Killing all those people? James Bond: Well I wouldn’t be very good at my job if it did. James Bond: Why is it that people who can’t take advice always insist on giving it? Solange: [they are kissing on the floor of his beachfront suite] You like marrie

The Best Places To Take Girls

The trick is that the preparation won’t come in the way of practicing what you are going to say, staying an hour in front of the mirror or thinking about all the possible situations that could happen. No – The preparation takes place on the field and essentially where you want to take the girl to.One good day you might just want to go for a coffee, drink or dinner with your date. Though I have a very particular view on how first dates should be , I still take girls out to bars and restaurants too. It’s not something bad. On the contrary, it will happen sooner or later. And you better be prepared! The best place to take a girl is where you stand out , where you are not one more guest. It’s a bar or restaurant where the staff breaks their heart for you to succeed and have a great time. A place where the guys in the entrance know you, where you call the waiters by name and where you are sure to make her feel excellent. Are there many places like that? Of course there are! It’s all a matte

Attracting Beautiful Women

A very attractive woman is and feels like a star. If you don’t treat her as such, you might never even have a chance on them. Here’s a contradiction to the theory of value , because with these kinds of women you’ll be implying that their value is higher than yours. It’s not a big deal, really, because your goal here must be to have –in her eyes- a higher value than all the other men.This site, after all, is about dating beautiful women. So I guess it’s about time for me to start giving you some direct insight on that specific topic. The one most important thing you should know about the very attractive girls is that they know they are beautiful. It may be easy to think and to conclude that, but the truth is that not many men act around beautiful women as if they already knew that. If you want to have a shot with these women you need to make them feel the best, but there are ways and ways of doing so. Nice comments, a pretty message or some shout of love could always be cute, but the

Getting To Know Each Other

Still, I have been quite slow when revealing more about myself. No real reason for that actually, just plain laziness I guess. But well, I, Mario, am after all the mind behind most of this. People, new and old friends, are helping me out writing, with ideas, translating, promoting and in many, many other ways. But in the end it’s me putting all this together. Many of you have been reading this site for months already… So I’m sure that by now you kind of know what are my beliefs, what I think and which are my general views and strategies when it comes to dating and picking up girls. Because of that and for us to have a more personal connection , I’ll tell you some random facts about myself. A few serious things, a few funny and some others that will make you know me more! • I’m Italian, but I was born and raised in Argentina. I look Italian, eat Italian food and so on, but I speak Spanish and if when Argentina plays against Italy, I’m all for MY country! • Speaking about sports, I’m a d

Remarkable Gestures That Seduce Women

Mind, doing things as the ones I will suggest to you below won’t necessarily get you the girl. It can happen that, on the contrary, these may even hinder your chances. But, one way or the other, by doing something unique you’ll break away from the crowd. You won’t be just another man. If you want to win big, you got to be remarkable. You have to do things that no other men do. You have to stand out and show yourself as someone different . Doing what everyone else does won’t make you that special girl you like fall in love with you – Nor it will make that ex girlfriend come back to you. Try, instead, doing something unique, something that will leave her thinking, something exceptional she’ll remember you for. Again, you don’t have to do these exactly as I tell you. It’s just to give you an idea of what I’m talking about! Rent an amazing car for the night and pick her up. In some places this can be done cheap enough to be worth of the investment. A nice Porsche, BMW, Mercedes… You don

Inspiring Anecdotes and Inventing Stories

I have already written about the power of telling anecdotes and stories . Basically, being a great, charming and cocky storyteller will raise your chances considerably. Women love to hear special and unique stories – Making this one of the ultimate ways to demonstrate social proof, to show off charisma and also to inspire. It just works. Still, there are many men who think they didn’t do something epic, something they might think worth of telling. But guys, everyone has something remarkable to say , I’m sure about that. You got to find what it is – What is that makes you special. Search for your strong points and which of your experiences will be the most appealing to women. It’s something basic – You got to find out! And, either way, if you want to tell a story, those great experiences don’t necessarily have to be yours . You can tell some amazing story about someone who know, of a friend or even someone you just heard about once. Just find a way to connect yourself into the anecd

Your Girlfriend’s Mother

Winning the influence of a girl’s mother has to be among your prime objectives . It is easy when young, not to difficult after that and the benefits are huge! Having a Good Relationship with Mothers Just imagine – If you left a good impression on her mother, you’ll have found someone who is willing to work in your favor 24/7. It is that cool – Or, if not, it will be just a little bit less. The mama will speak about you, tell her why she liked you, why she should choose you and so on. If, on the contrary, you leave her a bad impression, this will go all against you instead. So there’s only one way to go right? Good thing is that it is not hard to leave a good impression . Be your best self, don’t discuss too much, don’t look freak and always show how big your feelings for her daughter are. Play the nice, intelligent and caring guy and you’ll all but win her. Some etiquette will also help you out too. Having a good relationship with the father is also important. It’s good if you are in

FREE E-Book: Inspiration Method

Finally, the long-awaited Inspiration Method is here! The book is the culmination of the Dating Beautiful Women Project, a rock-solid guide on achieving inevitable success with women. It’s a concise guide that will help every man in the world get that girlfriend he always dreamed about. As promised, it’s a very personal approach to seduction. It’s a method that will build on your strengths and your unique personality. It’s a fresh take on seduction – one that has never been seen before. You Can Download the Book for FREE Here. (Some people had trouble reading this one, so it’s strongly recommended you update to the most recent version of the Adobe Reader ) In a nut-shell, these are the two most important concepts you’ll learn in this book: If you build your unique strengths , no girl will be out of your reach. Inspiration is the most powerful and seductive force in the universe, and you’ll learn exactly how to use it. Download the Book HERE. I really hope that this book can help you

The Most Dangerous Mistakes In Bed

This is a guest article written by Shawna Lenee, one of the creators of the 2 Girls Teach Sex program. 2 Girls Teach Sex is a 5 DVD course on how to make women go crazy in bed. Even the best lovers are often guilty of mistakes in the bedroom… often WITHOUT ever knowing it. It’s just a fact of life. But… that doesn’t mean that YOU have to be! In this revealing report you’ll discover the most common mistakes men make in bed… and… what to do INSTEAD to drive your woman WILD with pleasure. Avoid these 10 mistakes and you’ll have better sex the very NEXT time you make love… Mistake #1) Thinking She is Climaxing When She Isn’t You may think that your lover is having “multiples” (or even ONE you-know-what) when she is not. She may make a bunch of noises and even TELL YOU it’s happening. But is she really? Grab a Cosmopolitan sometime and look at how many articles and comments on “faking it”. I’m not saying that YOUR GIRL is faking it EVERY TIME but… chances are there have been a few episod