The Hottest Girls Are Easier

Katie Canon

Copenhagen, where I live right now, is full of beautiful women. It’s striking – I came back to the city after a short trip to Switzerland last week and was already wowed in the metro going from the airport back home. It’s that crazy.

In a context as this one, it’s hard to settle down with just one girl. Not that I practice polygamy – it’s just that there are SO many others that look gorgeous that it’s distracting.

It may sound like a joke but I invite you to Scandinavia to try it out yourself.

In these cases, more than ever, the solution is clear: you have to go for the best. It’s that or nothing – or else, your eyes will keep on moving.

And going for the best is easier than you might think. The most beautiful girls in town are not usually the most demanded. The unconvinced nature of the masses, who believe that they are ‘not worth’ such babes is what makes this work.

Generally speaking, doing the unrealistic is often easier than doing the realistic. It’s lonely at the top. People often aim for the mediocre – and thus it makes the competition harder and fiercer for the ‘realistic’ goals, thus making them harder and demanding of more effort.

In practical terms, it means that it will be easier to pick up the 5% most beautiful girls in town that it will be to pick up the next 15-20%. At least, many more guys will be trying their luck with the latter.

It could sound weird on a first glance, but it is really like this. You’ll see it every day – most guys believe they are ‘not that good’ to get the perfect ten in the bar and go and hit on the nice 7s and hot 8s. Check and see.

This is not a matter only confined to romance. With the same reasoning, fighting to raise $20,000,000 will be easier than to go for $500,000. There’s less people applying for top leadership roles than there is to lower level.

Give it a Try

This doesn’t mean that the most beautiful women will be easy. Yet, you might have way more chances that you might first believe.

Capitalize on the mediocrity of the rest and give a try to the very best. Walk up to the nicest girl in the club, bar or in the café – do what most others won’t. Do it often and you might well land yourself a very nice girlfriend.

You don’t need to act differently – just remember one thing: the beautiful girls KNOW they are beautiful. It’s obvious, but it’s what makes the leap between them and other girls. Act accordingly – and read this past articleabout the topic.

It’s up to you boys, go and catch!

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